Inspirational Quote

Chuck Norris puts the "laughter" in "manslaughter".

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Queen and a Princess

Happy Birthday to the two most important women in my life. Barb and Holly both celebrated their birthdays today. Yeah! I don't know what I would do without Barb in my life. If I didn't have her I wouldn't have anybody to answer the phone and make difficult calls to have the windshield replaced. I wouldn't have Direct TV because I can't call people on the phone and I doubt I would have gas, water and electricity.
Holly on the other hand: Now I think I understand what being a father is all about. A long time ago I used to harbor a real grudge against my dad for the fact that he let my sisters get away with murder. If I even looked at him wrong, I was dead. The girls however, could tell him to go to hell and he wouldn't even raise an eyebrow. His reply: 'Girls are different'. I understand now. Yesterday I took Holly to go get some lunch and as we were drving along she said "Dad, I love you". At that moment my heart melted.
Happpy Birthday girls! I love you both!


katie said...

I'm glad you're finally seeing the light. And really, I never recall ever telling dad to go to hell. It was probably you after the time you pulled my teeth out with the telephone cord. Thanks alot.

Annie said...

I only remember calling dad a bast.... I heard it on t.v. But, I remember full well being punished. Then the 'but I still love you' talk!

lizzie said...

yeah, something about us girls...

Gramma Dori said...

You have an amazing family Ryan, and that girls being different thing, you have no idea yet!